Friday, August 20, 2010

241 and Trying

As of this writing, I have not completed the 242nd star in Super Mario Galaxy 2. It is the last of a very long and arduous road of completion-minded quests. The best part of this trek has been the fact that I do not want to stop. I'm actually stuck right now collecting the stupid little star bits that are, at best, a distraction from gameplay, but I do not want to stop. My good friends call me and come over to my house to hang out with me; I regret putting the controller down long enough to get into a great conversation. Then, at every lull of dialog, I long to wave my Wii-mote around the screen and collect the odd colorful polygons.

How Nintendo has held me captive for this long is irrelevant. The quality of the game has no meaning. Someone could tell me that the game is complete crap and I'm wasting my life on it; it would not matter. I'm unrepentantly in love with this game.

The game itself in the scope of the history of games, is not groundbreaking. Is it brilliant in its simplicity? Is it designed as well as any game ever made? Does it control to perfection? Yes, yes, and yes. It has little to no story. It breaks no precedence in writing or directing. However, the graphics, the gameplay, the level design, the music are all benchmarks for their time. The age old rule is that the game is good if the game is engaging; this game is as engaging as catnip for felines. I never, ever, ever want to stop, I will soon get this 242nd star and will love this game forever.

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